Jag Bains Exacts Revenge Against This Big Brother 25 Houseguest Over Past Behavior


Big Brother 25’s Jag Bains has been working to get to the end of the game, but his strategy for the next eviction isn’t hitting home for viewers.

Big Brother season 25 is slowly coming to an end, but the remaining houseguests including Jag Bains are looking for their way to the endgame, which could allow them to exact revenge for past behavior in the house. Throughout Big Brother 25, Jag has been aligned with the majority of the houseguests still left in the game. From early on, he was aligned with Deaflympics gold medalist Matt Klotz, and the pair has worked in tandem to build alliances with others like Australian DJ Bowie Jane, 63-year-old veteran Felicia Cannon, and Survivor legend Cirie Fields. Now Jag and Matt are up against a wall as they have to choose their final side.

Big Brother live feed viewers have recently seen some tremendously disappointing behavior from Matt and Jag, who have been openly discussing exacting revenge on Cirie for the way she played the game early on. In a clip from the live feeds posted by @Myriam on Twitter, Jag explained that when Cirie comes to ask about where their votes for the upcoming eviction lie, they should try to make her uncomfortable.

Jag explained to Matt and Bowie, “If Cirie comes to you [and asks], ‘Are we good?’ we should be like, ‘Yeah, you’re good with me, but you should talk to the others’…because this is what she did to me.” Jag’s strategy is to make Cirie as uncomfortable as possible to create a heightened sense of paranoia so she feels awful heading into the live eviction. The plan is currently for Jag and Bowie to vote to evict Cirie.

Will Jag Bains’ Big Brother 25 Strategy Work?

Jag’s ultimate strategy is to make Cirie feel uncomfortable in the Big Brother house while she’s on the nomination block, which likely won’t work well for the reality TV legend. Early in the game, Cirie was targeting Jag for weeks and, every time she had him on the nomination block, would do her best to reassure him without actually providing much information. While this wasn’t to make Jag feel uncomfortable, he’s twisted it in a way that gives Cirie far more power than necessary. As his power trip continues, Jag becomes more unbearable and shows his true colors, which don’t seem to be as kind as once thought.


Though Big Brother is a game of social strategy, Jag and Matt have been doing a terrible job navigating the endgame. They’ve eliminated all possible competitors from the house, which makes winning less impressive. Beating houseguests like Cory Wurtenberger or Cameron Hardin, who both had strengths in the game, was impressive. Beating Cirie and Felicia, who are less physically inclined, isn’t exactly a feat. The social strategy Matt and Jag have shown towards the evicted houseguests–isolating them and talking trash until they leave the game–has created a bitter group of jurors who will ultimately have to decide the winner of Big Brother 25 on November 9.

While Jag is choosing to try and isolate Cirie and Felicia, as well as trying to make Cirie as uncomfortable as possible, the motivation behind his strategy is entirely revenge-based. Instead of trying to play the game cleanly, he has made things personal, and it could cost him votes in the jury. While his plan to make Cirie uncomfortable won’t work on someone who’s so well-versed in the strategic side of the game, it does expose Jag’s true colors to the Big Brother audience. It’s disappointing to see Jag try and play such an unnecessary personal game at the most critical time.

Big Brother season 25 airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EDT, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EDT, and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.

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