General Hospital Spoilers: Dex And Josslyn’s Disturbing Discovery, Adam’s Crazy Bender


Spoilers for General Hospital hint that Adam Wright (Joshua Benard), a pre-med student, is finding it difficult to cope with the pressures his parents are placing on him. Courtney Fulk’s character Joss Jacks has made an attempt to assist him, but her offer that she spend the holidays with her family didn’t work out.

He bolted after Joss pushed him a bit too hard. It turns out that Adam experiences panic attacks once more throughout the week of January 1–5, reaching for some liquid courage.

Adam’s Liquid Courage

Poor Adam overindulges as he tries his best to comfort his jangled nerves. Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) and Josslyn Jacks come along and find Dex in the midst of drunken journey. The couple are surprised to see him like this and want to help him the best they can.


Josslyn and Dex will help their friend to sober up and be safe.

This isn’t the first time that Josslyn has worried about Adam’s psyche. She sees how brutal his parents are about him being perfect, and he is practically harming himself trying to love up to their standards.

Adam’s Precarious Situation

Adam doesn’t seem to have many peer supports, and it looks like he’s slipping down the rabbit hole at an alarming rate. Joss tells Dex about her concerns over Adam, thinking that he could not be in sync with his girlfriend.

Although Dex doesn’t believe Joss is in love with Adam, he might believe Adam has feelings for Joss. If she keeps saving him, he might, at the very least, become unduly reliant on her. Furthermore, Dex is adamant that Joss not face any risks while she is with Adam.

Will Adam Go To Far?

Josslyn might decide to face Adam’s parents directly after discovering Adam inebriated and disoriented. Considering that she is unquestionably the daughter of her mother! Josslyn is a kind person who does not want to see the people she loves suffer. No matter how far he falls, it’s unlikely that Joss will turn her back on Adam.

Severe show spoilers hint that this plot may be speeding toward a highly explosive conclusion. This week, make sure you watch to see how far Adam falls.

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