Big Brother 25: Jag And Matt Plan To Oust Felicia In The Upcoming Eviction


The latest episode of Big Brother 25 saw a Veto competition between the housemates. Jag Bains won it yet again and secured his place in the top 4. Head of Household (HOH) Matt Klotz used his powers and nominated Felicia and Cirie for eviction, with the intention of targeting Felicia.

With the brewing competition in the game, Matt had to decide between his two alliances: his group of 4 with Jag, Felicia, and Cirie, and his group of 3 with Jag and Bowie. He then comes to a conclusion that that evicting Felicia this week was best for his game.

The Big Brother 25 live feeds have revealed that Jag once again won the week 13 Power of Veto competition. That’s not all, he has also secured his place in the Final 4 with Matt. This is his sixth Power of Veto win and eighth win overall.

Another thing that the live feeds confirmed is that Jag won’t be using the Power of Veto this week. This means that if Jag doesn’t uses his power to save anyone, Felicia might have to leave the house. Matt, on the other hand, had a word with both Cirie and Felicia about the same. He has told her (Cirie) that she’ll be okay, he’s also told Felecia that she’s safe.


As of now, Felicia is the house’s real target. Before this, Matt had ensured that all the four of his fellow houseguests that were safe, knew that the Power of Veto would be the true factor that determined who’d survive Big Brother 25 week 13.

Another thing that came to fans’ notice was how Matt had tossed around possibly turning on Jag this week, but decided against it because Matt can’t play in the next HOH competition. Since Jag has won the Power of Veto, the final move is off the table. However, there’s still a possibility that Matt and Jag, could change their minds about Felicia, and decide that Bowie or Cirie is a better choice to evict this week.

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