Between mourning the demise of Americory in the house in Cory‘s arms, she hashed things out with Blue, or at least tried. Blue told her it was all game and not personal and hopes they can get drunk in New York. America again warned her about Matt and Jag, saying that they will bring Cirie and Felicia to final three over her. Blue said “totally” but she’s proud of playing her game and “whether that includes them or not, that’s my business and not yours.” Um, OK. Girl is still in delusional that Matt and Jag ever had her back despite multiple people telling her that they do not. America admitted that this is hitting her hard because she was blindsided and said Bowie told her she didn’t know about the blindside, to which Blue said she knew and was excited about it.
Cory continued his even-keeled pitches to everyone, his best one to Matt. He literally told Matt he would put him and Jag up next week if he won HOH. Then he added that he doesn’t want either of them to go home because he wants them to “keep having this experience.” Incredible tactic, but honestly, he’s got nothing to lose at this point. He knows he’s the target and that Matt and Jag know he would’ve targeted them first had he had the chance. Matt relayed this to Jag and Cirie and then dumped on Americory, saying they won’t last IRL and America gives off “cheating vibes.” Sir.
The rehashes and Amiercory dragging continued throughout the day, amounting to a whole pile of nothing. Cirie wanted some “me time” at dinnertime and went outside, venting how they’re “all full of sh–” and they all “talk about how the next one is full of sh–” and she can’t take it anymore. Unfortunately, Matt, Jag and Blue came out for the company she was trying to avoid. Afterward, America said they can’t read social cues because it was clear Cirie wanted to be alone. Cirie will for sure pick up America as an ally once Cory goes. Later, Cirie and Felicia discussed how they need to get rid of Bowie before America to eliminate Matt and Jag’s options. Cirie may be over all of them, but she’s still gaming.
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