Big Brother 25 Was Accused Of Muting Fields Cirie’s Microphone


Big Brother season 25 has been one of the most controversial yet exciting seasons of all time. One of the major highlights from the latest episode is Cirie’s microphone getting muted and Big Brother 25 getting accused during the most recent episode. Cirie, who has competed in four seasons of the reality show- Survivor, took on a new challenge during Big Brother 25. However, things seemed to turn against her in the latest episode.

In the recent episode of Big Brother, it seemed that Cirie’s microphone was muted the second she left the Diary Room after she cast her vote. These raised many eyebrows between the netizens as well with them asking the reason behind doing the same.

Cirie’s attempts to talk about her family members have been muted for weeks. While some believe that her conversations about her family are usually long, causing her to delay leaving the Diary Room and hence are usually muted, others are still trying to figure out the reason for the same.


A user asked, “Why do they mute Cirie after every vote in the diary room?” Another user asked, “She’s the only one they do that to every week…right when she’s opening the door.” One more user was like, “They should mute all of them after the vote. The shoutouts are getting out of hand.”

While Cirie is usually seen playing a cutthroat game, she’s been emotional throughout Big Brother 25 as she was really hurt by Don Jared’s eviction in week 7. In the latest episode of the show, she was seen getting emotional while recalling how Cory evicted her son. However, she also seemed happy after talking to the housemates about how the show is finally coming to an end in a few days.

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