Big Brother Alum Derek Xiao Gets A Drastic ‘Summer Reset’ Haircut, Girlfriend Claire Rehfuss Reacts


The Big Brother alum called it a “summer reset” as he recorded the entire experience.

That experience included sharing what his hair looked like beforehand, getting it cut, and Claire Rehfuss’s immediate reactions.

Derek and Claire met as members of the BB23 cast. They hit it off, and a friendship developed on the Big Brother live feeds.

Later, it was revealed that their showmance began in the jury house. It was kept under wraps until after the season.

The couple is still going strong, and CBS viewers recently saw Derek and Claire win a season of The Amazing Race.

Derek Xiao gets a ‘summer reset’ and shares it with Big Brother alums

“Oh my God, I did it,” Derek’s Instagram video begins.

“My hair has gotten way too long, and I’m ready for a summer reset,” Derek explains as the video progresses.

He talks viewers through it as he visits a specialist to ensure his haircut looks good.

The video ends with Derek revealing his haircut to Claire and her exclaiming about how short it is. A surprise appearance from someone else on the Big Brother 23 cast is also featured.


Xem bài viết này trên Instagram


Bài viết do Derek Xiao (@derekxiao_) chia sẻ

Big Brother alums weigh in on Derek’s new hair

Many Big Brother alums have stopped by Derek’s video to share their thoughts on his new look.


“Ok you only game us a sample but I’m liking this!” wrote Azah Awasum from BB21.

“IDK why I expected you to be fully bald,” joked Big Brother 25 winner Jag Bains.

“It looks so good!!!!!!” wrote BB23 runner-up, Derek Frazier.

Blue Kim from BB25 wrote, “SF is changing u, come back to LA.”

Derek also joked about his video, writing, “Was Claire lying at the end?”

More news and notes from the world of Big Brother

A new season of Big Brother will air this summer on CBS. A brand new group of houseguests will compete for the $750,000 prize.

Here’s the BB26 episode schedule. It showcases when and where fans should tune in for the new installment.

A Big Brother alum also teased being on the show this summer. They were likely joking around for their social media followers, but they also teased a possible theme.

Previous seasons of Big Brother are streaming on Paramount+. That includes the season featuring Derek Xiao and Claire Rehfuss (Big Brother 23).

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.

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