Clint Eastwood’s Father’s D.eath Made Him Completely Change His Diet


Clint Eastwood’s father passed away after a fatal heart attack in 1970. When Clint was about 40 years old, he made the decision to alter his lifestyle patterns in order to live a better life after witnessing what his father went through. He altered his diet and began strictly monitoring his intake of saturated fats, for starters.

When a person eats too many saturated fats, it can lead to high cholesterol and heart problems. Now at 93 years old, Clint still follows a lot of the same dietary restrictions. In addition to monitoring his saturated fats, he also tries to stay away from carbohydrates and sweets.

Clint Eastwood’s father’s death inspired Clint to become healthier

Some of Clint’s other advice includes: “Keep a scale in your bathroom. Get proper rest. Try to be optimistic. Eat fruits and raw vegetables. Take vitamins. Skip beverages loaded with sugars. Avoid alcohol in excess.”


Additionally, Clint suggests keeping an eye on your weight and attempting to obtain a decent night’s sleep. Your chance of developing some illnesses, like Alzheimer’s disease, is lower if you get at least seven hours of sleep every night.

Clint has instilled a lot of this knowledge into his children. His son, Scott, who is also an actor once said, “My dad is a machine about food and exercise. He showed me how to lift when I was 14 or 15 — the bench press and other basics. He made it clear it was more important to do the moves correctly than to put on more plates.”

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