“God Is Going To Give Some Grace And They’re Going To Be At The Mercy Of One Of Us. Watch And See! “


The Situation: Cirie is the target. Veto was not used.

7pm HOH room – Jag and Matt
Jag – either way we get to see our families in 10 days! Matt – I know. Jag – 10 days BRO! Matt – 10 days! Jag – that is wild. And its going to go by hella fast because we’re going to be so busy. Matt – but what if Thursday is a double? Jag – honestly, I would prefer if it was a double. Matt – right. Jag – because the double veto you’re going to win. Matt – I know. Jag – The double veto is always really quick. But the Double is probably going to be a booth HOH.. but Felicia did sh*t in this last one. Bowie has done well in those. Matt – as long as you’ve studied you’ll do fine in a booth. Jag – yeah. They might do a double BRO because then right after they have three comps that they have to do. Matt – and has to be all spread out like basement, backyard and another one. Jag – so it might be a double. As long as it goes our way.. Matt – we’ll see .. prepare for it. Jag – A double might be fine as long as we win. We’re good when its quick. Its better than having to wait a day in between. Matt – at the end of this we have to smoke a cigar or some sh*t to celebrate … whatever bar we hit up I’m going to get a cigar. Jag – not me, I don’t like cigars.

7:06pm Backyard – Jag and Bowie.
Jag – same way that I’ve protected us and the same way that Bowie has protected us. You (Matt) are protecting us this week. That’s the way this works. And this next week I was like there is no chance in hell we are letting Felicia win. Bowie – yeah. Jag – there is literally nothing that can happen that can change that outcome. Like nothing. I think just like talking to him about that made him feel better. I was like here is what it is .. just look at our track record over the last 5 evictions. Has Felicia won? Bowie – no. The odds are good. Jag – not only are the odds good but we are so dialed in. Bowie – yeah. Jag – I was like if you think that she is studying .. she is .. we are going to study more. We are going to study harder. Bowie – there is going to be no stone left unturned. Jag – literally we are going study harder. She messes up when she is studying.. we will not. I was like me and Bowie are literally in the scary room studying every type of thing that is inside. We know everything about the scary room. We will know everything about this house that we need to know. Like she is going home. Jag talks about past events of the season and villains of the season. Jared got away with a lot of things that Cameron didn’t get away with. I am excited to see everyone after this and I hope everyone is chill outside the game. Bowie – I will still carry PTSD from it all. Jag – PTSD is real from that. Bowie – and I am still in here. Jag – hopefully people don’t take things personal that are gone but they’ve had enough time at this point. Except we’ve evicted so many people now.. it would be easy for them to take it personal. Bowie – I don’t care. That’s good game play that they didn’t know we were working together and got this far. Jag – yeah .. no but Matt is doing good. We will just have to keep reassuring him. It was him being nervous like what if she (Felicia) wins. Bowie – you know what if she wins and we’ve studied.. we’ve done everything we can so, so be it. Jag – yeah she’s won fair and square but she is not going to. Bowie – we’re in the four! Jag – yeah.

7:23pm HOH Room – Matt and Jag.
Jag reads Matt’s letter in his best Reilly voice. Matt keeps looking up at Jag. Mid way through Jag says – this is Reilly remember not me. At the end Matt says – okay now give me a kiss! Got to make it real! Ahhhh.. that’s funny! 84 days! Help!

7:50pm Kitchen – Cards..

8:04pm – 8:24pm Kitchen – Cirie and Felicia.
Cirie – now they’re chasing Bowie Jane. Got to stay in the good graces! Felicia – Because she might win that HOH. And they want to make sure she doesn’t put one of them up on the block. Cirie – I hope whoever stays wins it. Felicia – and then they all chasing! They will ALL be chasing! I am telling you, I think the table is going to turn. God is going to give some grace and they’re going to be at the mercy of one of us. Watch and SEE! Cirie – MMMmhhMMMmm! Felicia – watch and see! And then all last week we couldn’t get ya’ll to stay in the room with us. So I really have to sit here and think about who I am putting on the block. And hoping you better win the veto.. and I realize that I might not win the veto and you get to decide who sits next to you. I keep telling you guys.. you got to stop chasing the person that you think is in power this week.. because next week that power is gone! Power keeps shifting.. so how good is your relationship.. because that is what it is all about. Cirie – MMMmmhHHmmmm. Felicia – they’ve taken for granted that we don’t have a chance. But ya’ll just keep sitting here acting like Bowie Jane is the one to save you. It really is hideous! Last week she chasing them, this week they’re chasing her. They’re chasing each other! Drinking 2 bottles of wine between the 3 of you and made us split 1 five ways. Acting like you don’t know we’re in the house. That’s why this morning I said you guys feeling okay after drinking up all those bottles of wine? I know what you doing!? We’re 50 and 60! That’s what kids do. That’s how you show your age. F**king kids do that sh*t!

8:57pm Backyard – Jag, Matt and Bowie playing pool. Cirie and Felicia watching from the couches.

9:14pm Comic Bedroom – Cirie & Felicia
Felicia – yup they’re out there skinning and grinning like they’re 3 of them in the house. Its really almost insulting. You know it is insulting the fact that its like we don’t need you guys no more. Cirie – I know. Felicia – Its insulting. It pisses me the f**k off!! I am wishing now that I had got rid of them suckers in the beginning of the game when everyone wanted them gone. At least the older people would have had the respect to at least do people right. They don’t even have that much respect for you. You say how did we come this far and land here with 3 f**King idiots. Cirie laughs. Felicia – one adult trying to be a kid and then two kids that don’t know no better. They start studying past events of the season.

9:23pm Hammock – Bowie, Matt and Jag.
Jag – The Mafia .. because we call the shots. Matt – The Mustard Seeds. She says the faith of the mustard seeds. We are the mustard seeds. Jag – we are the mustard seeds. Bowie – seriously. Matt – we are deciding your fate. Bowie – we should have called ourselves the mustard seeds. Matt – we are her mustard seeds. We decide your fate. Jag – we keep saving her. Bowie – literally every week. Jag – we are literally her mustard seed. Bowie – since the Izzy vote. Jag – since the Izzy vote .. had we wanted .. any week had we wanted she would have gone home. Matt – I think we tell them pay if forward. We saved you every time. So now its your turn to save us. Lose HOH. Jag – throw the HOH. Matt – we need you to throw it because we saved you every time. Jag – do you think we could get Mama Fe to throw the HOH? Bowie – I think there is no chance.

9:45pm Backyard – Matt, Jag and Bowie. Matt – we should take it inside so we can play it the last few days. Matt – man I can’t believe this is the last day of the backyard.

10:23pm Kitchen – Jag and Felicia.
Felicia – so Jag I am trying to figure out did we miss something? Jag – who? Felicia – me and Cirie. Because we feel like there are 3 people over here and 2 people over here… and we’re kind of like the irrelevant factors in the house right now. Jag – what do you mean? Did I say something? Felicia – no. That’s the problem. Its almost like you guys are your own little crew and you’re the final 3 and you’re just waiting to negate the two other bodies. Jag – no I’ve been just hanging out the same as I always have been. Felicia – No, there’s a difference. Jag – we can disagree on that. Especially like we’ve worked together for a long time throughout this season, its not like we’ve hung out 24/7. Felicia – no I am not saying that. I don’t expect to expect to hang out with you guys all night long like that. But I have literally stood in this kitchen for 30 minutes and its like I am not even standing here. Jag – I wasn’t intentionally trying to ignore anyone, I was literally trying to make food and eat. Its not like I was having a lively conversation with someone else. Felicia – don’t get offended Jag! Jag – no but it feels like you’re saying something. Felicia – I am. Jag – and I have to have my opinion on it. Felicia – you don’t have to agree or have an opinion. I am just saying what I see and how I feel. Remember I told you all season you see people’s behaviour change when things change. Jag – so I guess I am wondering what has changed. Felicia – I don’t know, that’s what we are trying to figure out because whenever we go in a room everyone goes out of the room. Jag – I guess I can just speak for myself. Felicia – I guess I wonder what it will be like for the fourth person in the house until they’re gone. Are you guys going to isolate them. Jag – I mean I am not trying to make anyone feel isolated so I haven’t intentionally left a room just because you’ve joined in or anything that is why I am confused by the line of questioning maybe. Even like right here the example you used.. I am just here making food, Matt was picking at the blanket, Bowie was just eating. None of us were really talking about anything. In that sense anyone could say hey why aren’t you talking to me? But I was literally just hanging out. Felicia – Mmmmm.. okay! Jag – so for me none of it is intentional especially like the last thing I want to do is make anyone feel isolated so that is why truthfully I haven’t trying to leave a room that you entered.. and if I have done that just know that it wasn’t intentional and I do apologize if you’ve felt as though I am trying to isolate you in any way or single you out.. or whatever it is that you’re feeling. For me it hasn’t been intentional in any way. Felicia – okay. I mean should we be having convos with you guys.. like has anything shifted? Should we be convo’ing? Jag – for me I am not going to shift from how I have always been. Like yeah we can have conversations if you would like. They can be game related and also they can be non game related. Felicia – no yeah we have sat here and laughed and talked all that kind of stuff. It just feels like something has shifted. Jag – I mean for me, from what you’re saying it has felt weird in the house for me as well but what I am attributing it to is that there are 5 people. It has felt a lot more quiet. Like some times I’ve just hung out in the scary room alone for a bit and usually I never do that. And I have hung out with Matt all season, that hasn’t changed. You and Cirie are cool. And now Bowie has hung out with us now more too more than past weeks but I think that is .. I don’t know so few people. That is the feeling I’ve been getting and that for me has been outside of the game but that is because I am not on the block. In terms of shifting .. game wise I haven’t shifted. I still want you here. I haven’t shifted on that at all. As far as the weirdness feeling.. I am definitely feeling the weirdness. I am not trying to isolate you. I am not trying to exclude you. I am not trying to do any of that. It really is that there are less people and I naturally hang out with Matt a lot. And I think you and Cirie have been hanging out a lot too throughout the season too. And most of it has been you and Cirie hanging out a lot and me and Matt are hanging out a lot and .. Bowie Jane has to figure out where to hang out. That’s my take on it. I know you’re on the block and I know that is a concern for you. I am still exactly where I was. I trust you. I want you to be here. That hasn’t shifted for me. Nothing has happened for me that would make me change that. Its not like you did something crazy or said something or Cirie did. Nothing happened for me to feel like I need to shift at all. Cirie – Mmmhmmm. Okay. Jag – so there is definitely not a lot of people and on a personal we can hang out whenever. Felicia – okay okay I am just checking in.


10:55pm Backyard – Cirie, Felicia, Jag, Matt and Bowie.
Bowie to Cirie – why was she (Felicia) staring us down in the kitchen? If she has the faith in the mustard seed? What was that all about? Jag – she is sus.. she is paranoid. She is scared. Matt – she is always paranoid. Bowie – I started to giggle because it was stupid. Jag – she was just standing there for 30 minutes while we were standing there making food. Cirie – what?! Bowie – you know that time we were sitting here staring at us and wouldn’t say word? Cirie – because she feels like ya’ll are like isolating us. Jag – she talked to me about that. Bowie – she was staring at us like an ogre. Matt – she was only giving one word answers. Jag – I told her I wasn’t talking to anyone. Bowie – she didn’t talk .. none of us were talking. Matt – I was still conversating with her. Jag – either way I told her I don’t want you to feel like I was excluding her not intentionally isolating her. I said there are only 5 people in the house and so it is more quite. Bowie – she is a schemer. Jag – on a personal level I never want you or her to feel isolated. I know what that feels like and I know that sucks. If I have said something to make you feel like that I am sorry. Cirie – thank you. I am going to tell her that’s what we talked about. Cirie heads inside.

11:08pm Comic Bedroom – Felicia and Cirie
Felicia tells Cirie about her conversation with Jag. Cirie – So if I am the one that goes, what is your plans for next week? what is your plans as far as winning and all of that. Felicia – if I win HOH, Matt and Jag going on the block. Cirie – of course. Okay and then you can add that to your speech. Felicia – I have been on the block 7 times and I’ve survived the block 7 times. My biggest move was getting rid of Hisam.

11:16pm Backyard – Matt and Bowie.
Matt – I don’t want to give Felicia the satisfaction. Bowie – oh me neither. Matt – the fact that she is so cocky. She has already prepped … like I haven’t even thought about a final two speech. Bowie – me neither. Matt – she has already thought of it.. she already has it planned out. And she is already assuming she is going to be there. Bowie – this is when people f**k up when they get to confident. Let her get too confident. Matt – she is all sweet but then she can be nasty too. Bowie – and when she is charming she is very charming. Like she is fun and outgoing.. great personality, lots of character.. Matt – and kind of a bully. Bowie – and on the flip side she can be very nasty ..kind of a bully yeah.

12am Cirie and Felicia go to bed.

12:15am – 1am Backyard – Matt, Bowie and Jag debate keeping Cirie versus Felicia.
Bowie – this is what makes her (Felicia) a weaker competitor.. this is what makes her flaw. Matt – that is why I am annoyed because we’re getting rid of Cirie because of game. Jag – oh I am not thinking personal at all. If it was personal Cirie would be here. But my thing is I don’t want to f**k up and keep someone for personal reasons … keep someone for 2 extra days. We have got think about the game. Matt – but Felicia has been so messy, sloppy and obvious. Jag – but that is better for her to stay then for us. Matt – exactly. Its the fact that she is so cocky that she is preparing a final two speech…I wish I could be like nope! Jag – win the veto and vote her out. Matt – I know, I would love to win the veto and be like look you should have cooked up a final 4 speech and not a final 2 speech! Jag – oh that is FIRE! The two things that we need to convince Felicia of .. whoever wins this next HOH goes straight into the second comp, the second comp is always physical… always endurance. Those are the two things. So essentially we’re going to be telling her Hey Felicia you can win this next HOH, you will be playing in an endurance comp against either me, Matt or Bowie. Bowie – yeah good luck. Matt – what I could say to Felicia is I am just nervous because I can’t play and it would have been so nice to play in this HOH because if I win this I would go right into a physical comp. Jag – that is perfect. And I will say I need to gun it in this because I need to be in the physical comp. I suck at mental.. like I need to be in the physical. Matt heads inside. Jag – I think we could actually get Felicia to throw it. Either you or I have to win this next HOH. First we make sure Felicia doesn’t win it. Bowie – yeah we have to.

1:20am Backyard – Matt, Jag and Bowie reminisce about past events of the season.

1:40am Matt, Jag and Bowie head to bed.

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