How Should Stalker Charlotte Cassadine Be Punished On General Hospital?


What will break this little General Hospital baddie?

Charlotte Cassadine may have been shot on General Hospital, but that’s still not adequate punishment for her months of stalking and terrifying Anna. Valentin tried to shower his devil child with love and affection to make her see the error of her ways. That was a big, old bust. So, what’s left to make her understand she was a bad girl?

Charlotte Cassadine: Back To School

Out of sight, out of mind is an option. Maybe Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) will ship her back to boarding school, where, sure, it’s the site Victor (Charles Shaughnessy) used to brainwash Charlotte (Scarlett Fernandez) in the first place. But, at least Valentin won’t have to try any of those difficult parenting things again. He won’t even have to think about it. She can come back when she’s an adult.

Hug It Out

Charlotte hates Anna (Finola Hughes). So, there can be no worse punishment for her than to be forced to not just apologize to her almost-stepmother but to be nice to her as well. Charlotte isn’t a good enough actress to fake it. She’ll either have to get with the program or spend the rest of her life pouting.


Baby Jail

Spencer (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) went to the kindler, gentler version of prison. Maybe Charlotte should too? She might find out what the real world is really like. The one where you aren’t the center of the universe and every adult lives just to cater to your needs. Not that it helped Spencer much. But, maybe second incarcerated Cassadine is the charm?

Room Available

In the end, Charlotte doesn’t need a jail term. She needs mental help. Though she should be locked up, too. Why not split the difference and get her a nice room at the same mental hospital that once housed Sasha (Sofia Mattsson)? There’s got to be a free room available, right?

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