“I Don’t Know What I’m Going To Say On Finale Night But I Think I Might Be Able To Say Enough To Get A Win.” **Updated**


The Situation: Jag said he’s evicting Matt as of this morning.

8:55pm Comic Bedroom – Felicia talking to the cameras.
Felicia – Yup, I’m laying here Mr. B with nothing to do. The young people are upstairs and I am alone by myself. That’s why I stayed out in the dinning room all day so that at least I wouldn’t feel isolated and alone. But its okay, I am okay! I don’t know why but I have a sense of peace and I don’t think I am going home tomorrow. I could be wrong but my spirit tells me I am going to be in the final 3 and that I am going to sit in that chair on finale night as one of the top two contestants. And I am trusting and believing that. God has carried me 95 days, and he said I ain’t going to get you this close and then put you out. I am carrying you all the way to the end. I am trusting and believing that. I think its going to happen as crazy as it sounds.. and so here I sit or lay waiting for 10pm so that I can go to sleep. I don’t know what I am going to say on finale night but I think I might be able to say enough to get a win. I still believe I could win this thing. Yes I do! And I know everybody thinks girl shut up. But my angels have carried me 95 days and they only got 5 more days to do so. They said we got you girl. When I came through the door I said hopefully they would never say bye Felicia and so far in 95 days they have not and I sat up on that block 8 times!

9:08pm Matt, Jag and Bowie start playing hide and seek. Jag invites Felicia to play. Bowie is the seeker. She finds Matt pretty quick in the bedroom closet.

Jag’s legs fell asleep in the cupboard so he got out to stretch and soon after Bowie came in and caught him.

Bowie then finds Felicia in the Comic bedroom behind the chair. Bowie – you won!

They start round two, with Felicia being the seeker. Bowie hides in the games room. Matt hides in the corner by the door in a black garbage bag with dirty laundry on him.

Felicia immediately finds Matt “I don’t remember this being stacked like that!” Matt – why am I always found first? When Felicia looks in the bathroom, Jag bolts out of the kitchen and into the Comic bedroom to hide between the beds.

9:44pm For the third round, Matt is the seeker. Felicia hides under the sink in the bathroom. Bowie hides in the scary bedroom. Jag hides beside the fridge in the storage room Matt starts looking and finds Felicia first. Matt finds Jag next. Matt finds Bowie next. They play again with Jag as the seeker.

10:20pm – 11:42pmAfter the hide and seek games the laugh about their hiding spots while having cake.

10:28pm Big Brother gave them a couple of games to play: Chinese Checkers and Checkers.

11:45pm HOH Room – Matt and Bowie
Matt – so it looks like I will have to give a 30 second speech. Bowie – is that what they said? Matt – I didn’t ask but I think its just a live eviction. Bowie – so are you going to do what you said? Matt – it would have to be really fast. I will have to think about before bed. Now I’m scared. I don’t like this! Bowie – the speech? Matt – I’m not scared of the speech, I’m scared about being on the block during a live eviction. I don’t think Jag will do anything. Bowie – no way. Matt – he won’t. Now I am just like .. no don’t do it… I know he doesn’t believe Felicia. Bowie – no you’ll be fine. 100%! Then we’ll party! Matt – yeah we’ll have the rest of the cake tomorrow for sure.

12:08am Bedroom – Jag is studying the days / events of the season with Bowie.

12:54 am Jag and Bowie (Jag has waffling for an hour about weather or not to keep Matt. Starting to sound like he’s cooking Matt but it could also swing to Felicia)
Jag – You told Cirie that we were going to keep Felicia and he’s going to be like OKAY and.. Third you jokingly said you will put me up to everyone else. He’s going to be well that’s a joke.
Jag – When I say the reasons out loud for justification it almost sounds goofy..
Bowie – Yeha
Jag – How do I look at him and say Dude.. NO matter what he’s going to say I wouldn’t have done this to you.. He’s going to be like I saved you.
Jag – I’m going to sound like a f***ing idiot.
Jag says if he evicts Matt there’s no one big thing he can say as a reason.
Jag – not only will it be difficult and I don’t know how to navigate it. it’ll also be heartbreaking. I care about him enough to have the conversation before hand it will make it more agonizing for both of us. I don’t want to Blindside him.
Jag – should I just keep him if I don’t know?
Bowie – I’m hungry
Jag – I’m not I feel like throwing up I’m stressed.
Jag – do I make the smart move


1:25 am Jag and Bowie
Jag – If he’s in the final 2 it doesn’t matter who he chooses he wins 7-0 he could take the whole cast he could sit next to Cameron. anyone he wanted.
Bowie – the only one he would have trouble it Felicia
Jag thinks Matt will win against anyone
Jag – Felicia is not staying because she’s season to beat in the final 2 I’m going to sit next to you and you will sit next to me.
Jag – if it doesn’t matter who the third person is because either way we’re going to sit next to each other then should we not have the person we think we have the best shot against beating so we can make sure that we’re sitting next to each other. Right?
Bowie – YEAH except you might feel bad.
Jag – I feel terrible about everything I don’t want to do anything.

1:35 am zzzzz

8:55 am Felicia is up and about. The rest are sleeping.
10:00 am Zzzzz

10:20 am Jag and Bowie are getting up for the day.
Bowie says she’s weak on remembering the numbers (Days) but has a good grasp on counting the things in the house.
Bowie – I need a pen and paper.
Jag – did you make a decision?
Bowie – I think I know which way you’re landing
Jag – Which way?
Bowie – I think you’re leaning to keep Felicia.
Jag – I think so
Bowie – If you chat to Matt Beforehand just say ‘MATE this is a game and I can’t be… or go on about all the things Felicia says… I don’t know”
Jag – I’ll see how it goes.. Honestly maybe he deserves to hear the reasoning like the things I told you
Jag – there’s a lot of times you have chosen to look after yourself and not me and for once in this game I’m going to make a decision to look after myself to I hope you can understand. Here’s all the times you did that. INcluding when you took candy.
(Matt’s getting evicted tonight.)

10:37 am Felicia and Jag
Felicia talks about faith and how they have a connection.

11:30 am

12:20pm HOH room – Bowie and Matt.
Bowie – She (Felicia) said that whatever happens today happens. She’s at peace with it and that she is just happy that she made it to the final 4. Matt – hopefully I make final 3. Bowie – you will. Matt – dude it sucks because one person.. like when you’re on the block and you have 6 people that you can rely on and this one person I can rely on. Bowie – I know!! Matt – its weird! Bowie – its terrible. Matt – its like that’s the hardest one…like oh f**K! Bowie – I think always at this stage of the game… but its hard to get out of the head space when there were so many people. Matt – I’m not even nervous for the next three comps. I’m nervous for today. Its weird so weird! When Jag saves me then I will be able to be really really excited but I can’t be until that happens. Because to be honest I didn’t think I was going to make it this far. Bowie – I didn’t think I would make it this far. I hoped I would but I didn’t know I did it. Matt – you did it. Matt – I was just like bro just survive. Bowie – yeah just survive.

1pm The live feeds switch to pound town..

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