Leah Finds Opened C.ondom Box In The HOH “I Was Shook.. I’m Not Judging..” **Updated**


1:20 am Tkor and Makensy
Tkor shows a picture of her Twin sister. Chit chat..

M – How are you feeling about winning?
T – Well, I wasn’t expecting it. Feel grateful but now I’m scared because I have great relationships with literally everyone in the house. I don’t want to see anyone go.
MJ – I know it does make it difficult.
T – Really difficult.

MJ – You know you have good guidance. I think you have good intuition, good heart. So I don’t think anybody will take it personal. We know
it’s a game and I think you and I had a really good convo the other night. I think you know a lot of where I stand at so I don’t know what you’re thinking in terms of if there’s like somebody that’s you don’t obviously know names like that’s threatening your game and that’s like the one you want and then a pawn or there’s just two people that you just don’t talk enough game with or three people I guess I don’t know if I should be a twist or not but I don’t know but I do want you to know that I completely support you if for some reason it ever is me obviously I would love to hint at me.

MJ – I don’t want it to be me and I want to be here. I’ve been telling you that I want to know I do trust you I trust Tucker and that I would never if I was ever to win I would not be coming for all you. Know how I feel about few people I don’t like liars and I don’t want that I don’t want to be part of that. I’m still obviously in nothing and trying to figure that out trying to figure out who I can work with who I can’t
and I just want to be here to help you and help others and yeah.

MJ – I can’t come in here and blow up an alliance and tell you, you know, hey, X, Y, Z,
T – I feel like everything is out there..
MJ – yeah I bet

MJ – Like having that security this week, you know, after just a whole big blow up like that. So I don’t know how you’re feeling. I know, obviously, I’m sure that we all know that you’re close with everybody and that this is a very difficult decision. So I’m sure everybody’s grateful, thankful, blessed that you won HOH, but also worrisome because who knows what could happen and what the decision is But yeah.
T – I’m going to ask you a question. What type of player do you think is a threat to you to get to the end ?
MJ – Umm right now… is somebody who seems to be just getting by easily. Seems to have a slot of good relationships and knows the game really well. People know the game in here.. Somebody, I’m be honest I told you earlier somebody that scares me is Quinn. I love him to death but he is a mastermind in this game he knows exactly what he’s doing he has all the right relationships.. He’s been in 5 or 6 alliances. I personally don’t know where he stands with everyone in this house.

MJ – He talks no game with me AT ALL.. somebody like that is kinda more scary. You say him on the wall he is a physical threat. And someone who is socially good at this game you know, can maneuver all people, all emotions and just get by even if they’re not in anything. Whether they are in something or not they are just going to keep coasting because nobody going to want to send them home. Which is a Big reason why some players stay till the end because they are well like. The only person I would want to put up and mostly for TIT FOR TAT… is Quinn. Would I want him to go home right away. No just be dependent on what he said and what he did. How she spoke to me. He did use me as a pawn he tried to get me sent home. Which is fine that’s the game but there’s that.

MJ – Quinn, then people that are being protected. The one person being protected is Angela from Tucker. He said it because she’s not a threat and he can beat her. I love her to death she’s a great women but like somebody who is being protected is going to go far in this game because they’ll be pulled off the block every time.

MJ – but you know I have your back and trust me in that like I literally would not put you up the people that have been honest with me and truthful I feel like finally once we spoke it’s been you, Rubina and Tucker and I. trust in that as much as As I can to this point you know.

MJ – please don’t think I will ever come for you I’ve told you since day one I have your back I want women to have each other’s back in here.

They laugh about going to Atlanta to a “Speakeasy” MJ says they can get Matt to be the “DD”
Tkor – drunk driver?
MJ – no designated driver
Tkor – that is what I meant to say..
They laugh

1:44 am Rubina and Kimo
Kimo – Joe came up to me and said I heard TUcker volunteered to be a pawn. So I walked up to Tucker and was like what the f*** he goes, ‘She’s my friend I think she needs me’
K – he asks do you think she’ll put me up
Kimo – I said no but I don’t know what people are saying to her
Rubina – HE SHOULD NOT Volunteer it’s too dangerous.


K – we have to make sure you and him don’t touch the block ever

Kimo says Tkor might do MJ, Cam and Leah.. they’re the ones outside things.
Kimo says Tucker wants to play in veto to “Secure things”
K – we have to make sure the person who is a lot of christ doesn’t go up
feeds cut.. when we’re back Quinn and Tucker in the bathroom chit chat..

2:02 am Rubina and Tkor
Tkor – that’s one thing I feel conflicted about.. All these alliance like Angela and Joe are outed now I feel like I have to protect them.
R – Which sucks .. You could easily put up Angela.
T – they got looped in
R – it’s really annoying
T – It’s really annoying because I didn’t want that
R – so much easier, Makensy, Angela.
T – exactly.. every annoyed at that.
R – would make this easier for you.
T – I’ll be known as the girl that keeps breaking her alliances.
R – you got to think of renoms… cross that bridge when you get to it because you are not trying to backdoor anyone. You putting up Tucker? you thinking about doing it?
T – I really am
R – I don’t know man
T – what is your hesitation?
R – Umm.. that he’s an easy one to be like OKAY for other people
T – that’s true. For one he has a very good chance to win the veto.
R – it’ll be more on his resume.. Stacking and stacking and stacking
R – It’s just I feel immense. I might cry gratitude and joy and getting to see and witness your growth is like if that was what this experience was. You’re inspiring and motivating me. You know, like that’s what I do for other people interviewing. I’m so lucky to surround myself with people who are doing that for me and doesn’t. You are so special and deserving
T – did you ever hear why Chelsie was crying
R – someone said something inappropriate..
T – about race
R – Yeah, do you know it?
T – I think so
R – where you there?
Feeds cut.. when we’re back it’s the bathroom joe, Kimo and Quinn

2:16 am Kimo and Quinn
Quinn says Joe is a opportunist.
Kimo – did you mention anything about the underdogs to Leah?
Q – no
K – she knows about the underdogs.. She had a conversation with Tkor where she brought up the underdogs.. Who told her? It has to be Joe
Q – he also told her about the collective.
K – Joe tells her a lot
Q – he’s doing what I wanted to do where we pull her in as a number because she’s roaming he’s been more successful at it.
K – for now I trust him
Q – he’s good again with Chelsie and he’s got a good relationship with Makensy
Neither of them have any clue what Cam is doing or who he would put up if he won HOH.
Q – that’s scary in itself
K – Cam would put me up

2:30 am Joe and Rubina
Joe promises he’s not going to screw Tucker over “he’s a man of his word”
J – I swear on everything I will not.

2:42 am Girls and Quinn being goofy
(pretending they are gorilla’s)

2:56 am Tkor and Kimo
We only get less than a minute of this conversation. Tkor says “He would have lost two close friends two weeks in a row”
Feeds then cut.

3:02 am Leah and Joe
Lean says the last two weeks she’s been super close with Kimo and Tkor she’s voted with them.
Leah – no I feel like everyone is acting up their butts I hope they can see that.
J – no matter what I do always know I am looking out for you
L – Same
J – I promise you that .. alright
L – Yeah

Joe points out that people will start noticing Tkor, Kimo and Rubina. “We might not have to do anything but we might have to too But I wouldn’t want it to be Tkor or Kimo”
J – I trust Quinn but he’s a person that can win this whole game. He’s such a fan and he’s an underdog. He has our backs so WE should keep him around but see, you know.
L – This is going to sounds like a rumour I know .. It sounds like high school sh1t. When he first moved into the HOH we opened up the second drawer it had a box of condoms he was like OH my god did they put this in for everyone. I was like no because it was there for Angela and Chelsie is was unopened then. I went in I was the last person..
Feeds cut when we’re back
L – I was shook.. I’m not judging.. I know it sounds like highschool. I really want her to play an individual game but she’s not going to.
Leah points out that Rubina didn’t sleep in her flower bed the other night.
J – that’s what’s good with having them around.. they are so obvious.

When we return everyone is sleeping or alone.

9:00 am I assume people are sleeping Feeds have been on fish for like 6 hours now.

11:07 am Feeds still down.

12:21 pm No
1:30 pm NO FEEDS FO U

1:44 pm Feeds return. (Leah still in the house)

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