8:00 pm Makensy, Rubina, T’Kor
Rubina – it’ll be so long until I see him
Makensy – Angela won’t shut the f*** up.. I just can’t..
Rubina – she’s still talking to you?
Makensy – yeah.. she’s like People are really going to miss Tucker in here i just know.. Okay yes .. I want to look at her and be like can you shut the f*** up.. SHUT THE F*** UUUUUUP.. like like.. She’s like ‘they defienelty went crazy for him’
MJ – no f***ing sh1t.. no f***ing sh1t… I want to be like Can you shut the f*** up… Shut the f*** up
Rubina – ladies lets get information…
Rubina is happy for Makesny winning the AI arena. “I don’t want you to think I’m not happy for you. You know I am”
Makesny doesn’t want the house to see her as some comp beast she doesn’t want that title.
MJ – I’m fighting for my life in here..
MJ – Up against Angela either one of us would have gone home, People see us as threats. I was aware of that. That is why I said my goodbyes he’s a hard competitor to beat I’m not unaware of that. I’m not going to Knock Angela..
MJ – in something like that you can’t have nerves… Angela walked in and she was almost crying when she saw it was a puzzle. Tucker was like ‘I like Puzzles’
MJ – I really did have his back but I saw he said to Angela he would vote for her. … like if I was up there he would have sent me up.. so like I love him to death…..
8:00 pm Joe and Quinn
Joe – I feel like I invested a lot of myself into it and hiding it and doing all this stuff where he wasn’t that good at the game. And now.
I feel like I can play with a little bit more freedom because that would occupy a lot of my time thinking like like how like thinking about me and him being on the block together, thinking about, like, maybe me catching some shrapnel cuz he uses the veto on himself while I’m on the block..
Joe – honestly it sucks but I think in the end it’ll probably be a good thing for me.
Quinn – it’ll be no problem…
8:01 pm Angela describing the AI Arena competition to some unlucky houseguests.
Leah – ohh wow.. .ohh dang… Ohh yeah…
Angela – if he did his puzzle the right way he probably would have won
8:02 pm Feeds go to pound for the Head of Household Competitions.
10:53 pm Feeds on pound..