NCIS Halloween Episode Scares Up Updates On Nick’s Love Life, Ducky’s Office, Jess/Jimmy And Parker’s ‘Lily’


NCIS‘ Halloween episode this Monday night may not have “treat”-ed viewers to particularly good case — something about treasure hunters, an unwitting Donna Mills’ homes being posted to VRBO, and a greedy delivery man? — but it scared up a few updates on the agents’ off-screen lives.

Plus, what are we to do with the late Ducky Mallard’s office?

THE ‘LILY’ MYSTERY CONTINUES | During a walk-and-talk, Jessica picked up on the thread from last season’s finale, asking Parker, “Did you ever figure out what you saw on that ship? With the ghost, or the angel…? Because you clearly saw something.” But just as he did a bit earlier this season, Parker shrugged off his flashback/vision of a young girl named Lily. “I was losing a lot of blood, I can’t tell you what I saw,” he told Jess. “I am grateful to you for saving me, but other than that…. I don’t know, I’m not ready to talk about it.”

JESS & JIMMY ARE ‘OK,’ OK? | When Jimmy’s homemade “ME MAN” (as in Medical Examiner) costume — namely, Jessica’s reaction to it — seemed to stir up tension between him and Knight, an overly chipper Palmer insisted to a concerned Torres, “The only constant in life is change, and this change is A-OK with us!” Later, when scoping out a “haunted” lodge with Nick, Jessica noted “how supportive you were of Jimmy breaking up with me,” then circled back to how Torres reacted earlier. “I know that you’re best friends with both me and Jimmy, and I don’t want you to feel like you have to referee fights that aren’t happening, or that you have to make jokes about us being a thing when we’re not. Because we’re OK.” (Note, this was Episode 3, and Katrina Law told TVLine in the video above that it’s not until Episode 4 that Jess and Jimmy really talk things out.)


NICK WANTS ‘BACK IN THE (LOVE) GAME’ | In a separate haunted house heart-to-heart, Nick explained to Jessica that part of the reason he has been training so hard (and is lobbying for a workplace workout room) “is because I’m trying to get my mind right. To get back out there back in the game. The love game” — seeing as it is now well over three years since Bishop abruptly peaced out on him. “It’s been too long since I’ve had a special person in my life,” he admitted, and if he is to find someone new, “I have to put my best self out there.”

WELCOME TO DUCKY’S! | One runner throughout the episode involved the matter of what to do with the late Dr. Donald Mallard’s office, which apparently has been untouched since his year-ago passing. Nick, as noted above, suggested a (small) gym, whereas Kasie, we realized, has been quietly using the space to meditate. Parker, meanwhile, wouldn’t mind having a place other than his desk to eat his lunch! And Jimmy, he’s just knows that his late mentor would be happy to see the room benefitting his friends. The solution: The Dr. Donald Mallard Memorial Multi-Purpose Room (aka “Ducky’s”), which will accommodate Nick, Kasie and Parker’s needs.

MEANWHILE, WITH MCGEE… | Is Tim irked that his bid to become Deputy Director was waylaid by that mints-chomping LaRoche? Clearly. Is he going to do anything about it? As a matter of fact, yes, as the final scene revealed McGee and his trusty keyboard have commenced a deep dive into LaRoche’s files….

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