Cirie Fields Finally Reveals Why She Refused To Vote For Jag To Win Big Brother 25


Big Brother 25’s Cirie Fields opened up to host Julie Chen Moonves in an interview about why she refused to vote for Jag Bains to win the game.

Big Brother 25’s Cirie Fields may not have won the $750,000 grand prize, but she played a part in choosing the winner and recently revealed why she couldn’t give Jag Bains her vote in the end. While Big Brother wasn’t Cirie’s first foray into reality competition TV, it was the longest she’s ever played on a single season. A Survivor legend, Cirie has competed on the long-running series 4 times along with an appearance on Snake In The Grass in 2022 and a win on The Traitors US season 1. Cirie’s time on Big Brother didn’t led to a win, but it was an eye-opening experience for the star.

Cirie shared with Big Brother host Julie Chen Moonves that she “was Jag’s advocate ’cause I do feel like Jag played a great game,” during an interview on the host’s podcast, God 101. “However, the last two weeks in the house, Jag’s arrogance and in that speech. The speech was just the cherry on top,” Cirie explained.

“The last two weeks in the house I saw a change in Jag’s behavior,” Cirie shared, making it clear that she wasn’t happy about the fact that Jag didn’t choose to take her to the final 4. Cirie said that Jag’s arrogance in the last stretch of the game made it impossible for her to feel comfortable giving him a vote in the final 2.

Jag Bains’ Big Brother 25 Gameplay Explained

Cirie’s interview explained that she wasn’t interested in voting for Jag because of his attitude. “It’s almost like Jag had already resounded to the fact that he won the game, and he was able to show his true arrogant side…And then when he made that speech that just pushed me over the edge…Yes, you could have played a great game, but some of the things that you did while you were in your arrogant mode, including that speech.” Cirie cast her vote for Matt Klotz to win Big Brother 25 along with Felicia Cannon, but Jag ultimately won by a vote of 5-2.


Jag’s game may have had some arrogant elements to it, but Cirie’s critique seems unfair and unfounded in some regard. Jag did have a hand in several of the evictions in the game, and Cirie’s lack of acknowledgment that part of the game of Big Brother is about owning game moves that may have been uncomfortable in the moment is a blind spot in her argument. Though Cirie’s criticisms of Jag are valid in some ways, it was clear on the Big Brother live feeds that she wasn’t a fan of Jag early in the game, and that definitely colored her decision on who to vote for on finale night.

Cirie’s argument that Jag didn’t deserve her vote due to his arrogance is an interesting stance from a reality TV legend who has played cut-throat, strategic games in the past. While Cirie may have been trying to explain the headspace she was in while casting her vote, it was clear from her interview on God 101 that she isn’t acknowledging one of the fundamental parts of Big Brother. While many of the jury members could have been confused or put off by Jag’s final 2 speech, they chose to vote for the player who played the best game rather than the person that they felt loyal toward.

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