Jag Bains’ ‘Big Brother 25’ Final Two Speech Was Harsh


Prior to being crowned the winner of ‘Big Brother 25,’ Jag Bains delivered a harsh final plea to the jury. He even threw shade at his best ally, Matt.

On Thursday, November 9, Jag Bains was crowned the winner of Big Brother 25. Sitting next to Jag in the final two was his right-hand man, Matt Klotz. Despite receiving five of the seven jury votes to win over Matt, Jag presented an arguably harsh speech to his former fellow houseguests prior to winning. While Matt gave a much nicer and more humble speech, Jag still received a majority of the votes to win.

Jag made Big Brother history during his season for more than one reason. He was not only the first Sikh-Punjabi contestant, but also the first of his community to win the show as well. Additionally, Jag now holds an impressive Big Brother title. He holds the record for the most Power of Veto wins in one season. For many years, Big Brother legend Janelle Pierzina held the title with five veto wins during season 7. Then, last year, during season 24, Michael Bruner took the title with six wins. Michael did not hold the record for very long as Jag quickly took over the reign this season with his seven Power of Veto wins.

Upon moving into the famous house, Jag quickly became good friends with Matt. The two began working together in their “Minutemen” alliance. During week 4, Matt secretly won the Power of Invincibility. He ultimately used this power to save Jag from being evicted by a unanimous vote. After Jag remained in the game, he began masterminding a plan to make it to the end with Matt by his side. As the days became more and more numbered, Matt and Jag dominated the game together.

In order to ensure they would make it to the finale night together, the duo began working with Bowie Jane Ball in the “Mafia” alliance. By bringing Bowie Jane in to work with them, they were able to get every big threat out of the game. The trio also managed to secure power for consecutive weeks in a row, which helped them to make their way to the end of the game together. At the end of the game, Jag won the two most important Big Brother competitions: the final Power of Veto and the final Head of Household competition. First, he used the final Power of Veto to solely vote to evict Felicia Cannon. Then, with the final reign of power, Jag decided to remain loyal to his Minutemen alliance by bringing Matt to the final two with him.

Jag Aggressively Addressed The Jury In His ‘Big Brother’ Finale Speech

During every finale, the final two houseguests get one last opportunity to convince the Big Brother jury to vote for them to be the winner of the season. Typically, jury management is a large aspect of winning Big Brother. Therefore, the final two tend to be cautious about how they present themselves to the jury. Jag did just the opposite. In his final plea to the jury, Jag took a more harsh and somewhat aggressive approach. In doing so, he held nothing back.


There is no doubt that Jag was fully prepared to present a speech to the jury. He admitted to every game move he was responsible for this season. At one point in his speech, Jag even admitted that every one of the jury members was sitting on the jury because of himself. He believed he was the mastermind behind nearly every major game move and back-stab that took place throughout the season. Jag was not afraid to take responsibility for every ounce of blood that he had gotten on his hands in the game.

Although he remained loyal to Matt throughout the entire game, Jag even threw his fellow Minutemen under the bus in his final speech. When speaking to the jury, Jag claimed that he carried Matt to the finale. While Matt was with him through every step of the way, Jag believed he was the reason for both of them sitting in the final two chairs. He felt that he did all of the work while Matt just followed along. Jag did, however, thank Matt for saving him early on in the game. On the other hand, Jag revealed that he was the one to convince Matt to evict his close ally and Survivor legend Cirie Fields when Matt had no intention of doing so.

Jag’s speech also came off twice as harsh because of how nice Matt’s speech was. Matt never once threw Jag under the bus or campaigned against him. Instead, he repeatedly explained to the jury that he and Jag worked hand in hand throughout the entire game. Matt claimed that it was a team effort to make it to the finale together, while Jag’s speech said otherwise. While Jag completely contradicted everything that Matt said in his speech, Matt did not seem upset or offended by Jag’s plea to the jury. In fact, when Jag was finished, Matt told him he did a good job.

Many of the jury members seemed quite shocked by Jag’s aggressive speech. On the other hand, some of them were also laughing as he aggressively fought for their votes. Despite Jag’s harsh speech, five of the seven jurors still voted for him to win. This ultimately shows that there were no bitter jury members this season. Instead, they were able to put their personal feelings that they felt while still in the game aside and acknowledge Jag’s impressive gameplay. The only two jurors to not vote for Jag to win were Cirie, who had a strong loyalty to Matt, and Felicia.

There is no doubt that Jag was a competition beast this season and deserved to win the $750k grand prize. While Matt stayed true to who he was throughout the entire season, Jag showed both the jury and viewers at home a completely different version of himself as he gave one last fight for that major win. While it was shocking, and somewhat harsh, Jag ultimately succeeded as he was able to convince a majority of the jury to vote for him to be the winner of Big Brother 25.

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