Big Brother Live Feeds Update: Felicia Turns On Cirie To Save Herself


After the Week 12 Veto Competition, the Big Brother live feeds were meant to calm down.

However, one resident caused a stir by causing superfluous drama.

In short, Felicia Cannon saved herself by turning on Cirie Fields.

Felicia took action to divert attention from herself because she fears that she may be the target of eviction this week.

It creates a scenario in which the final seven houseguests are fighting for safety and relationships are unknown.

And in the event that Felicia and Cirie clash after this drama, things may get really messy.

Spoilers from the Big Brother live feeds

There is a new Head of Household, the HOH revealed the nominees for eviction, and the BB25 cast played the Week 12 Veto Competition.

Spoilers about those events are ahead for readers who haven’t been keeping up with the feeds. So be aware of that as the article progresses.

Jag Bains won another HOH Competition. He then nominated America Lopez and Blue Kim for eviction. And to top it off, Jag also won the Power of Veto.

This is almost a duplicate from the week Jag served as the Secret HOH. Jag having that much power for consecutive weeks has frustrated many Big Brother fans.

Jag has been content with sending Blue or America to the BB25 jury next, but Felicia worried she would get blindsided.

Felicia is still (over)confident that she is a huge threat to win Big Brother 25. That led her to believe she would become Jag’s final target for Week 12.

Fearing her demise in the game, Felicia went to Matt Klotz to reveal as many secrets as she could about Cirie Fields.


The video clip below illustrates Felicia’s level of desperation.

Will Felicia’s gameplay cause Jag to shift course?

Felicia wants to survive Week 12 and become a third wheel to Jag and Matt. In addition to getting the duo to target Cirie, Felicia tried to align herself with the two power players.

It’s risky for Felicia to do this when Matt will likely tell Cirie everything (he almost always does), but she is clamoring to find a foothold as the houseguests dwindle.

Meanwhile, Cirie is still relaxing as houseguests target each other instead of herself. If Felicia implodes without Cirie having to lift a finger, then the Survivor legend has an even easier path to a final three spot on finale night.

But could things shift? Could Jag be persuaded to go after Cirie as a backdoor target? Stay tuned!

The Big Brother 2023 season is quickly winding down.

Only a few episodes remain before the BB25 jury crowns a winner.

Here is the TV schedule for the final weeks of the show.

Outside the house, Cory Wurtenberger is giving many exit interviews. In one of the interviews, Cory spoke about meeting America’s parents. He is pretty nervous.

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